GitHub Auto Contributor

2 min readJul 4, 2021

Do you want your GitHub contribution charts to look all green?

GitHub chart showing too many contribution by a person on his account.
This GitHub contribution chart screenshot is taken from “fabpot’s GitHub profile” just as an example.

Steps to install git create batch file:

  1. Install and connect with Git on your PC. (ref. link)
  2. Make a remote repo empty.
  3. Create a folder in your PC and copy it’s path after entering it.
  4. Make a text file with extension “.bat”, example “batch.bat”.
  5. Also create 3 more text files no extension and name it as “one, two, temp”.
  6. Open batch with notepad and write the following.

cd /
cd path
copy one temp
copy two one
copy temp two
git add one two temp
git commit -m “message”
git push -u origin master

When you are done, it should look something like this.

cd /
cd Users\PC\Documents\Folder
copy one temp
copy two one
copy temp two
git add one two temp
git commit -m “Hey! be more active on github…”
git push -u origin master

You’re almost done!

Now, you would be able to auto push on GitHub and hence, you can create these pushes number of times by just opening this batch file.

Steps to auto open this batch file:

  1. Search “Administrative Tools” in windows start.
  2. Open “Task Scheduler”.
  3. “Create Basic Task” shown on right side under “actions”.
  4. Give name and description, and so on.
  5. Select trigger action as “When I log on”, then “Start a program.”
  6. Browse your batch file in the next step and then finish.

You’re all set up and now, you can restart you PC to observe the push created.


  1. To make it look real you can also make a python code which manipulates your batch file and send random number of push requests at random times.
  2. As you could see a black color terminal might appear on startup, to avoid it, you can make a file with extension “.vbs” and select this vbs file as your startup file.

Set oShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
Dim strArgs
strArgs = “cmd /c batch.bat”
oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false


If your batch file is causing some problem in terminal window, just add “pause” in the end of your batch file so you could see the error upon running of batch files and push request.

If your answer to the question at the beginning was yes, remember, you will be cheating yourself if you’ll get satisfaction even after a month of doing this.

